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Ilona Gerencsér
András Szeberényi


Any and all human interference will have effects on the environment in a way. The experts working in development are working hard to have interventions to improve the quality in life of their local community. It could be a city or a town or even a village, this depends on the existing natural conditions, the geographical location, the economic environment that was created and the local community that lives there which actually can be considered the most decisive. The lives of communities, the direction of developments at local levels are largely influenced by local governments, and their decisions often determine the situation of the given settlement for years. In the development of local governments, the protection of the environment and the management of the resources available play a decisive role in economic development. Their interventions primarily and directly serve to strengthen the environmental dimension of sustainability while contributing substantively to the promotion of economic growth. Within the local society, the most open layer of environmental awareness is youth, which in almost all segments of its life strives to take this very important principle into account. The goal of the research is to compile a comparative study on the use of renewable energy sources for a local government and for the population, for young people. In our primary research we examined the attitude of the city and population towards the use of green energy and the impact of local energy development on the local community.


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