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Anna Veronika Radó-Takács
Ildikó Domián
Andrea Tilly-Mándy
Péter Honfi


During our work, three kinds of soil fertilizers Austrian Volldünger® Linz, Hungarian FitoHorm® Complex Plus and FitoHorm® for potted plants were applied in Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel production. Two experiments were set up. First the effects of the two FitoHorm agents were examined on the leaf size. In the second experiment, FitoHorm agents and Volldünger were compared, leaf size, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight were measured. The FitoHorm agents did not significant difference regarding the leaf size, but the groups treated with FitoHorm were bushier. In the second experiment, Volldünger and FitoHorm Complex Plus significantly increased the chlorophyll content comparing to the control. None of the treatments showed significant difference regarding the leaf length and width, fresh and dry weight comparison to the control or each other. Best dry weight rate was measured by Volldünger treatment. In conclusion, Volldünger® Linz, FitoHorm® Complex Plus and FitoHorm® for potted plants had positive effects on vegetative growth and chlorophyll content, therefore these agents can be recommended in ornamental plant production.


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