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Sekulić Jovana
Cvijanović Gorica
Cvijanović Vojin
Bajagić Marija
Đurić Nenad
Vera Rajičić


The aim of this study was to determine the influence foliar application of the microbiological preparation (EM Aktiv) with a mixture of different groups of microorganisms (on different genotypes of wheat in sustainable agricultural production on the weight of 1000 grains and grain yield.) The research was conducted in the period 2016/2017-2018/2019 (factor A) in the region of Vojvodina, Serbia,  which  includes four varieties  of wheat (factor B). Factor C three variants of nitrogen are provided for wheat nutrition: 129, 106 and 83 kgˑha-1. During the vegetation, applications were performed with the microbiological preparation "EM Aktiv": F0 129 kgˑha-1 without EM, F1 129 kgˑha-1 + 1 x EM; F2 106 kgˑha-1 + 2 x EM; F3 83 kgˑha-1 + 3 x EM. At the end of the growing season, the weight of 1000 grains and the grain yield were measured. Factors A and  B had an effect on the increase of the tested traits p<0.01. The highest values were recorded in 2018/2019.  Factor C affected an increase in the weight of 1000 grains from 0.14% (F3) to 1.91% (F1). The differences in grain yield were significantly influenced by treatments (C) (p<0.05). The increase was from 1.91 % (F3) to 4.76 % (F1).


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