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Traditional and contemporary narratological examinations have underlined the vitality and primordial nature of narration as a key point for proper understanding of almost all human phenomena. Philology as a science puts the focus of its study primarily on human creatures and their ability to narrate. However, recent analyses provoke questions about other phenomena in nature (regarding humans, animals, plants etc.), especially because they all possess a unique life span and life stories. In that sense, the impressive work
Zoo Stories by Vladimir Martinovski represents a kind of cultural revolution in the Macedonian literature, re-examining the presupposed nature of human narration and its attributes. These stories represent the zoosphere as a specific chronotope, i.e. a platform where all the current categories of human postmodern culture are being revalorized. This kind of story construction, originating from the animals and dedicated to them, enables their transformation into active authors and undermines the metaphisically defined Cartesian subject (which overshadowed the role of natural diversity regarding human essence and existence). Hence, to write the story of “the Other“ underlines the necessity to see oneself as other, or to overcome the simple difference in favour of the spatial and temporal relations (considering the notion “différance” by Jaques Derrida).
Zoo Stories by Vladimir Martinovski represents a kind of cultural revolution in the Macedonian literature, re-examining the presupposed nature of human narration and its attributes. These stories represent the zoosphere as a specific chronotope, i.e. a platform where all the current categories of human postmodern culture are being revalorized. This kind of story construction, originating from the animals and dedicated to them, enables their transformation into active authors and undermines the metaphisically defined Cartesian subject (which overshadowed the role of natural diversity regarding human essence and existence). Hence, to write the story of “the Other“ underlines the necessity to see oneself as other, or to overcome the simple difference in favour of the spatial and temporal relations (considering the notion “différance” by Jaques Derrida).
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Tasevska Hadji Boshkova, Iskra. 2020. “PANTHEISTIC NARRATIVE EXPERIENCE”. Journal of Contemporary Philology 3 (2), 121–131.
Copyright © 2014 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP)
Современа филологија
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Џенкс, Ч. (2006). Од „Што е постмодернизам?“ (1986). Во Лоренс Кахун (ур.). Од модернизам до постмодернизам, 161–176. Прев. Драган Јакимовски. Скопје: Темплум.
Bahtin, M. (1978). Stvaralaštvo Fransoa Rablea i narodna kultura srednjega veka i renesanse. Prev. Ivan Šop i Tihomir Vučković. Beograd: Nolit.
Bahtin, M. M. (2000). Problemi poetike Dostojevskog. Prev. Milica Nikolić. Beograd: Nolit.
Benvenist, E. (1975). Problemi opšte lingvistike. Prev. Sreten Marić. Beograd: Nolit.
Budelmann, F. (2009). Introducing Greek Lyric. In Felix Budelmann (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric, 1–18. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chatman, S. (1978). Story and Discourse (Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film). Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Hugo, V. (1979). Predgovor „Cromwellu“. U Miroslav Beker (prir.). Povijest književnih teorija, 316–332. Zagreb: SNL.
Огненовски, С. (2020). Комплексна зоо симбиоза (Кон збирката раскази „Зоостории“ на Владимир Мартиновски во издание на Бегемот, Скопје, 2019). [Интернет] Критика. Достапно на: [Пристапено на 20.8.2020]
McCormack, B. (2018). Narratology beyond the Human: Storytelling and Animal Life by David Herman. [Online] The Goose, vol. 17, no. 1, 1–3. Available from: [Accessed: August 20th, 2020]