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This paper analyses the problem of bilingual authorship by taking into account the question of the author’s cultural affiliation and nationality. Erol Tufan is a poet that was born and raised in Macedonia, and after moving to Turkey continued to write in both languages (in Macedonian and Turkish). Since his poetic
activity is manifested in two languages, the question about the poet’s ontological affiliation is being raised, which in this case can be explained by the term “nomadic consciousness”, understood as a purest form of humanism. The bilingual collection of poems Melancholy highlights the phenomenon called “translingual writing”, or “self-translation”, as a reflection of the game of various linguistic codes, creating a text which is dynamic manifestation of several aspects of the poetic personality. In that sense, self-translation is a possibility of manifesting something more than a simple language correlate, since it is an act of creating a poetic self into another language. This fact poses the problem of the construction of author’s personality in the other (foreign) context. The vision of the poet as a nomad, migrant, the transculturalism and the author’s poetic reflections make Erol Tufan’s poetry an essential reading that belongs to the Macedonian literature, successfully avoiding the traps of linguistic coding and its limitations.
activity is manifested in two languages, the question about the poet’s ontological affiliation is being raised, which in this case can be explained by the term “nomadic consciousness”, understood as a purest form of humanism. The bilingual collection of poems Melancholy highlights the phenomenon called “translingual writing”, or “self-translation”, as a reflection of the game of various linguistic codes, creating a text which is dynamic manifestation of several aspects of the poetic personality. In that sense, self-translation is a possibility of manifesting something more than a simple language correlate, since it is an act of creating a poetic self into another language. This fact poses the problem of the construction of author’s personality in the other (foreign) context. The vision of the poet as a nomad, migrant, the transculturalism and the author’s poetic reflections make Erol Tufan’s poetry an essential reading that belongs to the Macedonian literature, successfully avoiding the traps of linguistic coding and its limitations.
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Copyright © 2014 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP)
Современа филологија
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Ќулавкова, К. (2021). Интертекстуални „несоници“ (За поетската книга Несоници – 99 есеизирани поетизации на фактите за одредени уметници на Ерол Туфан, ПНВ публикации, Скопје 2020). Синтези, 51: 84–85. [Ќulavkova, K. (2021). Intertekstualni „nesonici“ (Za poetskata kniga Nesonici – 99 eseizirani poetizacii na faktite za odredeni umetnici na Erol Tufan, PNV publikacii, Skopje, 2021). Sintezi, 51: 84–85.]
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Bassnett, S. (2007). Culture and Translation. In P. Kuhiwczak and K. Littau (eds.). A Companion to Translation Studies, 13–23. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto: Multingual Matters Ltd.
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Boase-Beier, J. (2014). Stylistic Approaches to Translation. London and New York: Routledge.
Foucault, M. (1977). Language, Counter-Memory, Practice (Selected Essays and Interviews). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Jakobson, R. (2000). On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. In L. Venuti (ed.). The Translation Studies Reader, 113–118. London and New York: Routledge.
Rossi, C. (2019). Literary translation and disciplinary boundaries (creative writing and interdisciplinarity). In K. Washbourne and B. V. Wyke. The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation, 42–57. London and New York: Roultedge.
Schiesari, J. (1992). The Gendering of Melancholia. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
Tufan, E. (2020). Melankoli. Üsküp: Mİ-AN Kitap Yayınevi.
Venuti, L. (1995). The Translator’s Invisibility (a history of translation). London and New York: Routledge.
Wilson, R. (2012). Parallel creations: Between self-translation and the translation of the self. In R. Wilson and L. Gerber (eds.). Creative Constraints (Translation and Authorship), 47–65. Clayton: Monash University Publishing.
Yu, O. (2012). Giving birth to the self: On self-translation. In R. Wilson and L. Gerber (eds.). Creative Constraints (Translation and Authorship), 67–75. Clayton: Monash University Publishing.