Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ <p><em><strong>Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“</strong></em> е научно списание на Св. „Кирил и Методиј“ Универзитет во Скопје, Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ во Скопје, кое се објавува еднаш годишно од 1975 година. Во него се застапени статии од областа на книжевноста и културата, јазикот и дидактиката, преведувањето и толкувањето, како и прикази на активностите на факултетот.</p> mk-MK Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Превод <p>.</p> Зоран Анчевски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 11:39:17 +0200 Осврт на јавниот настан „Чествување на ликот и делотo на проф. д-р Драги Михајловски (1951-2022)“ <p>.</p> Соња Витанова-Стрезова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:02:22 +0200 Од семејството <p>.</p> Јана Михајловска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:04:30 +0200 Лице-Ѓон <p>.</p> Венко Андоновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Поништена гравитација <p>.</p> Венко Андоновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:07:28 +0200 Поздравна реч за Драги Михајловски, 15.12.1994 <p>.</p> Венко Андоновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:09:31 +0200 Разговори со Драги на писмените испити по Теорија и практика на преведувањето <p>.</p> Ирина Бабамова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 15 Apr 2024 16:11:34 +0200 Осврт на книжевното творештво на проф. д-р Драги Михајловски <p>This paper under the title “Overview of the Literary Output of Prof. Dr. Dragi Mihajlovski” was given by Prof. Dr. Sonja Vitanova-Strezova as an introduction speech to the public event “Memory Tribute to the Character and Work of Prof. Dr. Dragi Mihajlovski (1951-2022)”, that took place on 15.06.2022. The work overviews Mihajlovski’s literary output, focusing on his fiction. Through defamiliarisation, a concept included in the title of Mihajlovski’s doctoral dissertation, Prof. Dr. Vitanova-Strezova introduces the author’s work and life in a unique way, discussing the writer’s nicknames and their meanings. The first nickname of Mihajlovski, given to him while he was in primary school, was “Dragi the Letter”, as he was writing the letters of the schoolboys to the girls they were in love with. At the same time, this nickname suggests Mihajlovski’s talent for writing as he grew up to become one of the most innovative writers who juxtaposes contemporary narrative techniques and the oral Macedonian folk tradition, especially Cepenkov’s storytelling model. Mihajlvski is also called “Macedonian Shakespeare”, as he translated into Macedonian, in the most creative way, 37 plays and 154 sonnets, written by Shakespeare. In addition, Vitanova-Strezova refers to Mihajlovski as a “Prophet” for he prophesied in his fiction the current political situation more than two decades ago. The author argues that Mihajlovski’s fiction is permeated by intertextual references to his own life, frequently juxtaposed with a series of texts from the life of another writer. Mihajlovski’s novels and short stories are especially pervaded by many references to the writer’s life in Bitola and Skopje. Vitanova-Strezova also argues that Mihajlovski creatively transposed intertextual references to the Macedonian, English and other literatures, as well as biblical references, into his own fiction that constantly multiplies and reconstructs meanings.</p> СоњаGiven Name* Витанова-Стрезова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 11:53:21 +0200 Осврт за наградата „Драги“ <p>This article is dedicated to the newly established award for literary translation dedicated to the memory of our esteemed professor and translator Dragi Mihajlovski. It provides an overview of the background and the origin of the award, sparked by the passing of Dragi Mihajlovski in 2022. Furthermore, it details the selection and awarding process for the first annual “Dragi” Award in 2023, as well as the official ceremony held at the Blazhe Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje. Finally, the winners of the national and international award, Zlatko Panzov and Alexandra Ioannidou are presented.</p> Милан Дамјаноски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 11:58:59 +0200 Како да се стигне до вистинскиот збор <p>.</p> Никола Ѓелинчески Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:01:54 +0200 Имаголошките обрасци во Мојот Скендербеј на Драги Михајловски <p>Considering the imagological conceptions of the Other by Daniel-Henri Pageau and Gordana Đerić, this text analyses the role of literature in the deconstruction of stereo-types that circulate in communication between Balkan neighbours. In the focus of our interpretation is Dragi Mihajlovski’s novel Mojot Skenderbej, which is paradigmatic in two ways: 1.the novel refers to historical events and figures, thus confirming that history is the basic mechanism for the argumentation of stereotypical images; 2.the novel depicts processes of destereotyping both thematically and structurally, but also by its appearance in a particular sociohistorical context, with the aim of promoting supranational, universal, human, civilizational, and cultural values such as love, empa-thy, forgiveness, dialogue, tolerance, education, love of books, optimism, humaneness, all of which are usually treated as originally European values. Literature, by articulating the processes of destereotyping through the narrative strategies in the works, confirms that it holds the potential to act correctively on systems where different forms of power are based on discrimination and submission.</p> Марија Ѓорѓиева-Димова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:05:38 +0200 Преведувачкиот подвиг на Драги Михајловски: преводот како уметност <p>This article is inspired by the event organized on the occasion of celebrating the life and work of our prominent university teacher, author and translator Dragi Mihajlovski. The author of the article has already written on Dragi Mihajovski as a translator and therefore certain segments from the previously published article are incorporated in this text as well. It focuses on Dragi Mihajlovski as a translator and, more specifically, as the translator of all of Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets into Macedonian, an extraordinary achievement in terms of its scope and as a linguistic challenge. Its objective is to discuss the indelible mark that Mihajlovski’s endeavors in the field of translation and translation theory have left on our cultural, literary and linguistic context, simultaneously examining the process of translation as a re-writing and re-creating of the original. The article looks at the process of translation and its various aspects and stages through the lens of the methods required to reach the point where the translation becomes a work of art in and of itself, something that modern translation theories recognize as the ultimate goal of every literary translation. In this context, it is evident that Dragi Mihajlovski’s exceptional achievements in the field of translation can rightfully be defined as art.</p> Рајна Kошка-Хот Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:14:43 +0200 Библиографија на проф. д-р Драги Михајловски Драги Михајловски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:24:15 +0200 Oбраќање на Искра Пановска-Димкова по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик <p>Oбраќање на Искра Пановска-Димкова по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик</p> Искра Пановска-Димкова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:30:05 +0200 Обраќање на свечен час по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик Анета Дучевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Обраќање на свечен час по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик Никола Јанкуловски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:50:20 +0200 Нашите први професори <p>.</p> Димитар Пандев Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:54:35 +0200 Обраќање на свечен час по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик <p>.</p> Катерина Велјановска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 14:58:29 +0200 Обраќање на свечен час по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик Камелија Левенска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:11:28 +0200 Обраќање на свечен час по повод 75-годишното постоење на Катедрата за македонски јазик Магдалена Ристеска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:18:29 +0200 Воведно обраќање во својство на Декан на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ и на Модератор на трибината одржана по повод 5 Мај - Ден на македонскиот јазик <p>.</p> Анета Дучевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Односот спрема македонскиот јазик е крвната слика на македонското општество Јасминка Павловска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Обраќање по повод 5 Мај - Ден на македонскиот јазик <p>.</p> Васко Попетревски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Унифицирање на административната терминологија во албанскиот јазик <p>The need to unify the administrative terminology in RNM, Albania and Kosovo respectively, throughout the Albanian language has been ascertained for a long time, but there has been a special stress for the use of the Albanian language in the administration of RNM. The translators very often, but sometimes even the compilers of administrative texts face great challenges during the selection of relevant terms, because have been confronted with different varieties in these three states. A very serious issue has been which form or model should be takes as basis: what is being used in Albania, in Kosovo or the meticulous translation from Macedonian? In order to end these challenges, the only solution is for the administrative terminology in the Albanian language to be unified and later on also of other fields.<br>To give arguments regarding the need for the unification of the terminology, I have analyzed the terms by describing how they are in explanatory dictionaries (in the dictionaries of modern Albanian language and modern Macedonian language), afterwards how they are translated in Albanian-Macedonian dictionaries, later on how they are translated in Macedonian-Albanian dictionaries and for comparison I have put also the Albanian-Serbo-Croatian dictionaries and vice versa, since its regarding international terms or terms that are the same in the Slavic languages.</p> Ајтен Хајдари-Ќамили Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Фраземите со компонента 'боја' во јужнословенски контекст <p>Subject of our interest are chromatic phrasemes, i.e. those containing a ‘color’ component, bearing in mind that colors have always been perceived as a special phenomenon, so their rich symbolism is reflected in folk culture, in literature, and in phraseology.<br>Our analysis is based on phraseological and explanatory dictionaries, and papers concerning the phraseology of Serbian, Bulgarian and Croatian languages, including some new phrasemes that have been confirmed in the language of the media and within Macedonian literature as well. The phrasemes are being grouped by the ʻcolor’ component, indicating their affiliation to separate semantic fields according to the phraseological meaning, in order to discover the similarities and differences in the compared languages.<br>The analyzed material confirms the universality of color conceptualization in the Macedonian language, confirming similar situation within the compared languages. However, many cases highlight the uniqueness and the diversity of these Slavic peoples from an ethno-cultural point of view.</p> Лилјана Макаријоска, Бисера Павлеска-Георгиевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Симболичкиот универзум на Ефтим Клетников <p>This paper analyses Eftim Kletnikov’s poetry from the perspective of the presence of dominant symbols and symbolic correlates, by affirming some of his poetic works and collections of poems. The polyphony of meanings that is generated by Eftim Kletnikov’s poetic symbols is due to his unique knowledge of different cultural traditions, as he subtly combines various cultural concepts and notions. Kletnikov is in a sort of Romantic quest for the unique, the original, and the ideal, which can be noted in his search for the perfect word that is able to unveil the secret of human existence. For Kletnikov, the poet is a prophet, i.e. leader of humanity, who is obliged to arouse man from the darkness of his ignorance. In that sense, he is a skillful interpreter of hidden meanings, revealing the mysterious connection of each and every thing in the world. His poetry is a poetic testimony of a new type of humanism, where human as an insightful and creative being is placed in the center, thus outlining the directions of human development.</p> Искра Тасевска Хаџи-Бошкова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Две сјајни контекстуализации на Конески Венко Андоновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Приказ на монографијата Социолингвистика - македонски јазик: јазично планирање и јавната комуникација од Александра Ѓуркова <p>In her groundbreaking monograph “Sociolinguistics: Macedonian language – language planning and public communication” Dr. Aleksandra Gjurkova offers a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the intricate relationships between the Macedonian language and society. A notable aspect of this work is the focus on the development of sociolinguistics as a scientific and applied discipline, as well as on the current trends in sociolinguistic research. The book addresses three contemporary issues within the frames of three chapters: Chapter 1 – Approach to Sociolinguistics, Chapter 2 – Language and Society, and Chapter 3 – Sociolinguistics of Macedonian. The examination of these relevant topics includes suggestions for project research, with the aim to inspire further sociolinguistic studies of Macedonian language.<br>In conclusion, Sociolinguistics: Macedonian language – language planning and public communication stands as a commendable contribution to the field. Dr. Aleksandra Gjurkova’s clear exposition and thoughtful analysis make this monograph an invaluable resource for scholars, students, and anyone interested in the complex interplay between language and society.</p> Татјана Гочкова-Стојановска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Катедрата за општа и компаративна книжевност - Расадник на македонската компаратистичка школа Марија Ѓорѓиева-Димова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Македонското поетско соѕвездие на Георги Старделов Владимир Мартиновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Препрочит на „Просто и строго - Конески“ на Иван Антоновски Димитар Пандев Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Современ учебник по старословеснки јазик Марија Паунова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Граматика на албанскиот јазик од Исмет Османи Симон Саздов Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Петар Атанасов: Речник на мегленороманскиот говор Аугуст Ковачец Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Лингвистички атлас на мегленороманскиот дијалект од Петар Атанасов Емил Царкомнику Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Елизабет Бенет <p>This master’s thesis under the title “The Woman against the Patriarchal Conventions of the British Society in Jane Austen’s and Charlotte Brontë’s Novels” investigates the position of the English woman in the first half of the British nineteenth-century society. The corpus includes the following four novels: Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen, and Jane Eyre and Shirley by Charlotte Brontë. The analysis in the thesis draws on some feminist thoughts of Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir and Elaine Showalter respectively, as well as on the sociological and cultural studies. The overview of the context in the thesis includes historical, social and cultural portrayal of British society in the first half of the nineteenth-century, relevant for the understanding of the selected corpus of fiction. In addition, the chapter dealing with the context also draws on Jane Austen`s and Charlotte Brontë’s lives correspondingly so that the reader can better understand their attitudes on the position of women, as each of them wrote from her own female experience. Thus, the aim of this master’s thesis is not only to expose the underprivileged position of women in the first half of the nineteenth century, but also to highlight the heroines’ struggles against the patriarchal conventions of British society of that time. Through their female characters, Austen and Brontë raised the voice of the English women of the first half of the nineteenth century, empowering them to express their feelings and thoughts as well as to fight for their love, ambitions and ideals. Thus, this master’s thesis shows that Austen and Brontë not only gained ground on the male writers in the first half of the nineteenth century, but they began to rival them. The two women writers have established themselves as distinguished novelists, preoccupied with the daily lives of the genteel women in the domestic sphere, focusing on the question of their marriage, always resolved through the heroines’ successful fight against the patriarchal conventions.</p> Елена Алулоска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Дејствувачката естетика и објективната вистина во книжевната критика на Коста Солев Рацин <p>Compared to the overall publicist work of Kosta Solev Racin, less attention has been paid to Racin’s literary criticism, which, although it is not extensive, taking into account the specifics of the development of Macedonian literature, there is no doubt that it has an exceptional importance in the overall Macedonian literary and in general cultural and historical context. It determines the so-called Racin’s period in Macedonian literary criticism, which is the foundation of the contemporary Macedonian literary-critical work, but at the same time it also bears witness to the laying of the foundations of the contemporary literary controversy in the Macedonian cultural area, which affects both the perceptions and concepts of aesthetic and poetic literary platforms and the evaluative court for specific literary achievements. This reference to Racin’s literary criticism aims to make it possible to perceive some significant dimensions of Racin’s creative personality realized through literary criticism and to reanalyze some of Racin’s views on literature, from a time/historical distance from which it can be perceived and the overall Macedonian and Yugoslav / South Slavic literary context of the 20th century. The emphasis of the paper is placed on two fundamental critical-theoretical categories in Racin’s critical-essay texts – key postulates of his critical speech: effective aesthetics and objective truth.<br>The analysis of the contextualization of these critical-theoretical categories in Racin’s critical-essay texts, achieved by reading specific specific examples and by reading the entire critical-essay Racin’s opus by pointing out the specific texts, leads to the conclusion that it is a question of literary criticism which represents a built position for literature and for the dimensioning of the further development of the Macedonian and South Slavic literary, but also cultural reality in general and as such, seen from today’s perspective, undoubtedly had the potential to be the birth of a designed aesthetic platform, which deserves more thorough studies and evaluate.</p> Иван Антоновски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Библиските фраземи во македонскиот јазик <p>Phraseology is the language legacy which represents the view of the speaker’s world, their culture, which is close to the: customs, traditions, legends, beliefs, imagination, the history of the language colectivity, the cultural and the environmental surrounding, taken as a whole. A lot of studies show the strong connection between the language and the culture.<br>The Bible’s language has had an enormous influence on creating the literature languages of a lot of nations since the ancient times connected to the christian culture. This is “The Book of the books”, which saved a lot of ancient cultural concepts and linguistic pictures for us. The translations of the Holy Bible to a lot of languages had became the foundation of the European bookish languages, including the Macedonian.<br>The Holy Bible as a source of phraseological expressions enriches every language. The Bible contains hyperbole, parabole, metaphores, personifications and pictures. The phraseological expressions develop with their presence.</p> Марија Атанасова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Компаративни аспекти на песната на албански и на македонски <p>The subject of this study is the song, Qershia prej rranje shkuleshte (Черешна се од корен корнеше) a song that is sung in Debar at a wedding, at the moment when the bride enters the yard; among the Macedonians, it is sung at the moment when the bride leaves the house and goes to her husband. So, this song is sung in Albanian and Macedonian language, so I want to compare the lyrics in both languages to highlight the influences that two completely different languages have from each other, but when they share the same country, two nations coexist in harmony, each receiving and giving from their culture. Then, when the poem is borrowed, it is not taken completely and simply as a literal translation, but is adapted to the nature, rhythm and specifics of the language.<br>Comparative literature is a method of action, testing hypotheses, a way of examining texts, - says Yves Chevrel.<br>This is what I will try to do by studying a song that is sung in two different languages, trying to understand why exactly this song managed to break through linguistic boundaries and become so loved not only in Macedonia, but also in other Balkan countries.<br>When analyzing this song, I don’t aim to find the roots or how old this song is, because it doesn’t matter who first created it, but what matters is the motif, the figures and the emotions that the song can convey.</p> Блета Бериша Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Анализа на прашалници за прибирање податоци за стратегии за учење и усвојување вокабулар <p>The main goal of this paper is to present considerations related to the teaching and learning of vocabulary in primary schools in Macedonia, where Italian is taught as a second foreign language. For the purposes of the research, two types of questionnaires(surveys) were conducted, each consisting of a dozen questions, one intended for Italian language teachers and the other, for students from 15 elementary schools. Through the analysis of the data from the questionnaires, we tried to identify the strategies for studying and acquiring the vocabulary (lexical competence) applied by the students on the one hand, and on the other hand, the approaches and methods applied by their teachers in the teaching of the Italian language.</p> Бранка Гривчевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Претставата за Македонија во германскојазичните патописи <p>In the German-language travelogues, the term Macedonia is mostly used almost exclusively as a geographical designation. The reasons for this lie in the author’s perception, which is basically burdened by his own mission, cultural background and already (subtly) imposed stereotypes built on the basis of previous knowledge (information that is also shaped according to these factors).<br>The missions are different: economic, political, natural-scientific, religious, sociological-ethnological, in some cases literary-scientific. That is why it is difficult to identify the literary genre in one of the established literary frameworks. What can be confirmed about this genre with absolute certainty is its multidisciplinary approach, and it will be investigated from this perspective.<br>In this doctoral dissertation, all the factors that influence the perception of the travel writer during his creation will be considered, while analyzing the very nature of the travel-writing genre, its development and goals. The aim is to present the representation of Macedonia in German-language travelogues from all aspects, focusing centrally on the travel writer and covering all the factors influencing his work as he presents Macedonia in his works.</p> Милица Денковска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Неолиберализмот и методот на „Двојна историзација“ во Правилата на уметноста на Пјер Бурдје <p>In this paper, our aim is to show that there is an essential connection between Rules of Art, Pierre Bourdieu’s main work on literature, and his critique of neoliberalism present in his later works. Namely, starting from the Postscript at the end of Rules of Art, we will show that the autonomy of the literary field obtained in the XIX century (with all its implications: the charismatic “celebration” of the author, the fetishization of literary works, the establishment of the anti-economic logic of literature and symbolic capital, the establishment of an “aesthetic gaze”, etc.) does not guarantee that the field will remain forever autonomous. In the first part, we will present and analyze the critique of the politics and economy of neoliberalism in the works of Pierre Bourdieu, with a particular emphasis on its consequences on the autonomy of literature and the other cultural fields. We will argue (following Bourdieu) that the only way to understand the autonomy of the literary field and the autonomy of literature in general today, is to place them in this context of neoliberal politics and economics. In the second and main part, we will present Pierre Bourdieu’s notion of “double historicization”, as a method through which he tries to respond to the challenges that neoliberalism poses to culture and literature. We will analyze this concept in detail, which Bourdieu sets up as an alternative to both “internal” and “external readings”. In both cases – both in the first and in the second part – we will emphasize his theoretical similarities with certain currents of Anglo-American Marxism (Raymond Williams, Terry Eagleton, Frederic Jamieson) and some other theorists, such as Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin and Jacques Rancière. Finally, we will try to summarize the objectives of Rules of Art through three points in this wider context.</p> Ведран Диздаревиќ Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Преведување правни текстови: мост меѓу системи и култури <p>Translating legal texts is much more than transferring a message from one language to another. The language is a reflection of the legal system of a country, which reflects the history, culture, all laws, and legal norms of that country. The differences between legal systems and cultures affect the translation and the transfer of the legal force of all concepts, regulations, and the application of laws into the target language.<br>The subject of analysis of this thesis is the translation of legal texts, specifically court judgments as legal text. The analysis includes lexical and morphosyntactic characteristics, the structure and composition of the texts, in order to find the significant features that influence the translation. Furthermore, there is analysis of the legal systems to which the texts belong and their characteristics, as well as what differences between the systems affect the interpretation of the legal text. The goal is to compare the translation of court judgments from two legal systems in terms of the structure and composition of the legal text, the lexical characteristics, the morphosyntactic characteristics, and the differences between the legal systems.<br>The analysis is on samples of court judgments in criminal law taken from the judiciaries of Italy and the United Kingdom. At the end of the analysis, the possibilities for translation equivalence when translating a court judgment from a civil law system and the possibilities for translation equivalence when translating a court judgment from a Common law system are presented.</p> Маја Јовановска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Правописната практика на Јордан Хаџи Константинов-Џинот и на некои негови современици во Македонија и Бугарија <p>The evolution of the Macedonian language during the 19th century saw significant changes in orthography, particularly in the latter half of the century. During this period, there was a noticeable shift towards simplifying the alphabet and the orthographic principles. The literature from the 19th century reflects diverse perspectives on the alphabet and orthographic rules, rooted in the difference in the ideas about the form of the written language. Consequently, a unified form and codification remained elusive.<br>Jordan Hadži Konstantinov-Džinot stands out as one of the pioneering figures in addressing the matter of the Macedonian written language, encompassing concerns related to orthography. This paper explores Džstands perspectives on modernizing and simplifying the alphabet and orthographic principles. Additionally, it delves into the practical implementation of these ideas within his texts of diverse types. Furthermore, Džperspe orthographic practices are presented in the paper, in regards to the practices of his contemporaries in both Macedonia and Bulgaria.</p> Билјана Маринова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Новото во македонската книжевност за деца <p>The paper displays the newest Macedonian literature for children. It consists of story’s and character’s analyses, their mutual connectivity and character-child relationship. It makes a parallel between the traditional and modern approach of children’s story writing and ventures throughout the thematic and motives from which they are led. The main goal of this research is to signify the impact that the authors had on children’s literature and on the development of the child-reader.</p> Марија Марковска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Алтернативните форми на оценување во онлајн наставата по англиски јазик како странски во средното образование во Република Северна Македонија <p>Studying online exchanged the traditional approach of teaching and the passive role of the learners with an interactive approach in which the learners and the teacher create the lessons together. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to reconsider the appropriateness of traditional assessment and to research the utilization of the alternatives in assessment, which correspond to online education. Тhis study establishes the level of implementation of the alternatives in assessment in secondary schools in the Republic of North Macedonia, the impact of self-assessment, peer-assessment and portfolio on learners’ motivation for studying, as well as EFL teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of these assessment techniques, by means of a survey-one for teachers and one for students. The results show the positive teachers’ and learners’ perceptions towards the implementation of portfolio, self-assessment and peer-assessment in an EFL online classroom, but also that their use is at a low level which requires improvement. What is more, these alternatives in assessment have a positive influence on learners’ motivation for studying and their overall success. According to that, it is necessary to come up with an efficient permanent implementation of these forms of assessment in the EFL classroom.</p> Христина Марковска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Говорниот чин ветување во рускиот и во македонскиот јазик <p>The purpose of the research is to analyze the linguistic means for direct and indirect еxpression of a promise in Russian and Macedonian languages and to compare the use of a range of strategies, which are used to realize the promise in both languages. Contrastive study of the speech act of promise provides an explanation for the linguistic behavior of members of different cultures, thus raising awareness of intercultural communication and contributing to avoiding misunderstandings and conflict situations.</p> Наталија Милчовска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:47:15 +0200 Бекетовата апстрактна машина: толкување на трилогијата на Семјуел Бекет преку филозофијата на Жил Делез и Феликс Гатари <p>This study describes and uses the philosophical concepts of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in conjunction with the prose works of Samuel Beckett (the novels <em>Malloy, Malone Dies, </em>and<em> The Unnamable</em>) in order to designate an abstract machine in Beckett’s writing. Deleuze and Guattari’s schizoanalysis and its’ concepts, such as assemblages, lines of escape, deterritorialization, bodies without organs, order-words, faciality, etc., are utilized as intepretative tools in Beckett’s novels. This intermixing of the writer’s and the philosophers’ ideas points towards a similar understanding of the usage of language and writing in relation to systems of oppression and constraint.</p> Дарко Митевски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Употребата на да-конструкцијата со модалните и со фазните глаголи во македонскиот јазик и нејзините еквиваленти во шпанскиот јазик <p>The da-construction in the Macedonian language, also known under the terms optative-subjunctive, subjunctive, conjunctive (Minova-Gjrkova 2000: 75), besides in its independent use, is most often found in combination with modal and phase verbs. The modal verbs in the Macedonian language <em>mora, mozhe, smee, treba</em> and <em>saka</em> and according to Georgievski (Георгиевски 2009: 18) they necessarily require the specific content of the action to be expressed with a da-construction. According to Georgievski (Георгиевски 2009), the phase verbs are used to determine the phases of an action, that is, they express the initial or inhoative phase (<em>pochne/pochnuva</em>), the continuation of the phase (<em>prodolzhi/prodolzhuva</em>) and the final or terminative phase (<em>prestane/prestanuva</em>). Both the modality and the phase of actions are linguistic universals, so we can review them in other languages as well. In the Spanish language, as our object of interest besides the Macedonian, we notice the use of the modal and the phase verbs with infinitive (in the place where the da-construction stands in Macedonian). Hence, we consider the da-construction in the Macedonian and the infinitive in the Spanish as equivalents in the indicated situations. In the Spanish language, the modal verbs are: <em>poder, deber, haber</em> and<em> tener</em> (RAE 2010), and the phase verbs are also divided into three groups: the initial (<em>empezar, comenzar</em>), the final (<em>terminar, acabar</em>), and the phase expression a pause in the action (<em>dejar, cesar</em>).</p> Марија Пандева Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Формули за поздравување во учебниците по германски како втор странски јазик во РС Македонија <p>Greetings Formulas (hereinafter: GF) along with the Formulae of Introduction are the first communicative phraseological units (hereinafter: CFU) that the foreign language learner encounters during the foreign language acquisition. GF reveal greatly about the manners of the sender, as well as about the relationship between the interlocutors, as well as about the occasion when those greetings are used. Foreign language learners are being introduced with different CPU both in textbooks and in foreign language classes during FL classes in elementary school. The purpose of this research is to examine the types of GF comprised in German as a second foreign language textbooks in Republic of North Macedonia and, based on the excerpted examples, to make a comparison between GF at two levels: in primary and secondary education.</p> Мирјана Пачовска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Вистината во приказната на заробеникот во првиот дел од Дон Кихот <p>El presente trabajo de investigación pretende arrojar luz sobre la técnica narrativa que Cervantes emplea en la elaboración de la historia del cautivo Ruy Pérez de Viedma en el primer libro del <em>Quijote</em>. Las evidentes analogías entre la vida del cautivo y la biografía de Cervantes nos han motivado a investigar más a fondo, siguiendo el pensamiento teórico sobre la verdad y la veracidad en la ficción, hasta qué punto Cervantes se apoyaba en sus propias experiencias a la hora de construir la historia que puso en boca del soldado Ruy Pérez. Tras analizar la cronología y los personajes de su historia y cotejarlos con la biografía cervantina, hemos llegado a la conclusión de que Cervantes emplea el modelo figurativo de representar la verdad en el marco de la ficción; es decir, reelabora algunas de sus experiencias —su participación en la Batalla de Lepanto, su cautiverio en Argel— para dar veracidad a la historia de Ruy Pérez, pero asimismo inventa otras tantas para construir una verdad ficticia que tiene su propia lógica interna.</p> Игор Поповски Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Моќта на ветувањата како говорни чинови и како дела <p>The research of speech acts that are used in natural languages, which are spoken worldwide, is a new challenge in linguistics. In the new era, speech acts are studied not only as a linguistic problem but also as elements that make cultural differences.<br>The aim of this research is to highlight the cultural and linguistic characteristics of Albanians living in the RNM in making promises. This study investigates the strategies of promising, classification and probable factors that influence the use of a specific strategy. The strategies were identified and classified into 10 categories according to the proposal of the researchers Arrif and Mugableh and the data was collected by DCT and Role Play techniques. The research aims to answer questions such as: language and verbs used in making promises, “besa” and promises, the strategies of promises etc.<br>The results showed that the most used (common) strategies are: pure promises, time expressions, courtesy-like expressions and as less used strategies are: tautological expressions, self-aggrandizing expressions, swearings that include body-part expressions etc.</p> Нертиља Рамадани Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Трансферот на митот во поезијата како книжевен жанр <p>Myth intrigued researches for ages. Finding its meaning in difrent periods was challenging so it is today. Our research will tend to add more knowledge on the endless field of discovering the main characteristics of myth and the genre where it transfers. In this case the poetry.<br>This paper will give explenations about the nature of myth and nature of poetry. About the characteristics of each and about the main changes that happen when a myth is transferred into a poetry. There will be explained the main tendencies noticed when myths are transferred into contemporary poetry especially, such as rescemantization, demystification and the tendency of changing the gender of the inspirator.</p> Калтрина Садики Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Метафикција и нарација во романот „Искупување“ на Иан Мекјуан <p>This chapter analyzes the key elements of metafiction and narration that make the novel Atonement one of the pivotal works of the English postmodernist prose. Metafiction with its most significant properties, which directly deals with the relationship between the reader and the text, is one of the main points in this chapter. As a postmodernist tool, metafiction helps the reader to be warned about the unreliability of the narrator in the novel who often merges with the author. Patricia Waugh’s definition of metafiction is also relevant to this chapter as it highlights both the possible consequences of critical interpretation and literary imagination on the characters as well as on the reader’s perception of the fictional and the real. The implications of time disruptions, the leaps forward in time and the flashbacks in the novel, are among the key points discussed in this chapter. Gérard Genette’s narrative tools are used to show Bryony’s thought process in her young and mature age of life in a more precise manner. The narrative techniques are used to set the atmosphere and provide a thorough overview of the work. The novel, in which the process of novel-writing is highlighted, obliges the reader to decide whether or not to believe the narrator about what is true and what is not in the text itself. McEwan draws the reader in the story that he tells, at the same time reminding them repeatedly that his novel is fiction. The development of Bryony’s character, through the use of different points of view, the specific organization of the structure, as well as the multiple levels of meaning in the novel, showcase McEwan’s skill as a writer and make this work an exceptional example of a postmodern metafictional narrative.</p> Санберк Јусуф Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Влијанието на англискиот јазик врз изучувањето на албанскиот јазик кај македонските изучувачи <p>Acquisition of a foreign language is a process in which people learn a foreign language in addition to their native language. A foreign language is a term used to describe the acquisition of any language after the native language is acquired . Over the past three decades, the number of different theories for foreign language acquisition has increased in order to make explanations available on how language learning takes place, to correctly identify the variables responsible for foreign language acquisition, and to provide assistance for foreign language teachers. Theories of foreign language acquisition have been developed in conjunction with theories of native language acquisition. Linguistic studies were focused on foreign language acquisition, trying to learn how can be it acquired, describing the different levels of development, and carefully considering whether the acquisition of a foreign language follows the same way as the acquisition of the native languаge.</p> Виљдане Сељмани Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Суфиксното изведување во романите Несреќници и Станот на третиот кат на Мурат Исаку <p>A lot of studies that have been done in the aspect of word formation are very important in the aspect of the language. Linguistic values of a words may be recognized through a deep analize of the aspect of word formation. The work of Murat Isaku has raised the interest of different language studies and critics, but not in the aspect of word formation. Until now there have been studies about this field only about poem.<br>Object of studies in this work is suffix origins in the novels The Unfortunate Ones and The Apartment on The Third Floor by Murat Isaku.<br>The words formed by suffixation in the Albanian language are more numerous than those formed with prefixation, because our language has more suffixes than prefixes (Thomai, 1999:157).<br>Words are grouped as suffixes. In this work we used different research method: Research method of reading and registration of the right words, descriptive methods of classification and comparation. The outcome of the research is that in the poem of Isaku Murat the word formation through the origin of the suffixes is very necessary in the formation of names, adjectives, verbs and adverbs from different subject of word formation. The big number of suffixes, even the words that we can’t find in the dictionary prove for very rich leksic who is very dominant in the book of this writer.</p> Селвије Селмани Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Словенските заемки во говорот на жителите од скопските села со потекло од Горна Река <p>The Albanians in the Republic of North Macedonia have always been in constant contact with the Slavic peoples of the Balkans - with the Macedonians, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc., and as a result of these contacts, the lexis of the Albanians from this region owns many Slavic loanwords.<br>As it follows from the title itself, the subject of this paper is the influence of Slavic languages on the Albanian language, with a special reference to the lexis of Slavic origin in the speech of the Skopje villages that speak in Upper Reka dialect.<br>In this paper, we pay a special attention to the increased presence of the Slavic linguistic element in the speech of the villages that are the subject of our research.<br>The main goal of this paper is to prove that the lexis of the speech of the above-mentioned villages is very rich with Slavic loanwords, which to date consist the active layer of this lexis.<br>In order to carry out this research in the best possible way, we used the interviewing method. From several conducted interviews in the field, we collected considerable lexical material. For interviewing, we chose elderly people due to the fact that it is the older generation that uses words of Slavic origin.<br>During the development of the lexical material, beside the collected material from the field, we consulted monographs and published works by well-known Albanian dialectologists and lexicologists, whose research is related to the speech area of the language we are researching.<br>We hope that the results we obtained will be of interest of not only in the field of Albanian dialectology and lexicology, but also in the field of mutual Albanian-Slavic linguistic influences.</p> Идаете Синани Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Начините и можностите на преведување на општоразговорниот, разговорниот и литературниот чешки јазик на македонскиот јазик <p>How difficult is the task of the translator? Is knowledge of the source and the target language sufficient to deliver quality translation? This study explores these questions through the theories of translation i.e., traductology or “the science of translation “. I also look at the feasibility of the translator to apply these theories in the translation process. Titled “The ways and possibilities of translating the common, colloquial language and literary Czech language into the Macedonian language”, the study looks at the colloquial Czech language, a non-literary spoken form of the Czech literary language, which today is increasingly represented in contemporary Czech prose, and explores if and how it affects the translation of the Macedonian literary language.</p> <p>The analysis focuses on contemporary novels where the colloquial Czech language prevails and looks at their translations into Macedonian. Examples from the source text are shared as part of the analysis. The phonological form of the literary Czech language is presented under each example of colloquial Czech language, followed by an analysis of its translation into Macedonian literary language. The purpose of this research is to verify how the conversational phonological forms of the colloquial Czech language influence the translation into Macedonian language. The goal of the study is to confirm if the colloquialisms in the source language are carried across into the target language and, if not, to offer more suitable alternatives instead.</p> Наталија Тоневска-Каровска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Времето и просторот во романот Домашна змија од Аријан Лека <p>“I do not define time, space, place and motion, as being well known to all.”<br>- Isaac Newton in <em>Scholium to the Principia</em>, 1687</p> <p><br>As a narrative structure, as a discourse that neatly animates in itself a spectrum of feelings, dreams, hopes, faith, revolt, from which it weaves a metaphor for the existence of a parallel world, the approach to a world so close and far away at the same time, is one of the most special works in contemporary Albanian and, in general, Balkan literature.<br>The two parallel streams in the portraying of a world that is shown and that which is implied, which is intended, to connect a parable of known and unknown codes that communicate with each other. Arian Leka invents a different world, transformed, disintegrated, maybe even in a way deformed to specify the ironic and grotesque expressiveness, to show the reality as loudly as possible.Paradoxicality as the internal substance of the metaphor, as ironic and grotesque expressiveness, in the novel<em> The House Snake</em> as the first reflection, the transition to the apostrophe of the human being appears as the first appearance, therefore in this narrative it is the blindness of love that gives meaning to this world, the reason for existence, even in the world of the blind men.<br>This is a story about a confrontation with oneself, with history, with the fate of isolation in space and time, with the intrusive and isolationist ideology. Here, the sea shows the author the way to the inevitable personal and collective catharsis, the way to freedom.</p> Фљорентина Фетахи Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Употребата на англизми во секојдневниот говор на адолесцентите во Република Северна Македонија <p>The widespread use of the English language has impacted a number of languages, such as French, German, Spanish, etc. in the form of new vocabulary, uncharacteristic for the receiving language. Numerous linguists and researchers have debated about this occurrence, and in recent years it is becoming a hot topic once again. We decided to look into the usage of anglicisms, as well as the reasons for it, among adolescents in the Republic of N. Macedonia, since this group is the most prone to the influence of English. Anglicisms are defined as words or phrases borrowed from the English language into a foreign language.<br>We hypothesised that adolescents would opt for an anglicism rather than the Macedonian equivalent, and their reasons would be either because it sounds more natural to them or because they are more acquainted with it through their peers or social media. To test our hypotheses, we conducted an online survey, which contained open questions, where the adolescents could express themselves in more detail, and fixed questions containing pairs of sentences. The analysis of the results confirmed our hypotheses – adolescents do opt for an anglicism even when given the choice of a Macedonian equivalent, and their reasons to do so are mainly that it sounds more natural to them or that they are more acquainted with it.<br>It can be concluded that adolescents are quite influenced by English either through their peers or the media, and, even when given the choice, they feel more comfortable using an anglicism rather than a Macedonian equivalent.</p> Изабела Целевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Хроники од петтото и шестото издание на културно-образовната манифестација Денови на франкофонијата на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ - Скопје <p>.</p> Ирина Бабамова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Научен собир по повод 100 години од раѓањето на Итало Калвино: Како го читаме Калвино денес: наследство, рецепција, преводи Анастасија Ѓурчинова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ - Скопје ги отвори вратите за медиумската писменост Кристина Н. Николовска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Приказ кон 100 години Шопова светлина од Кристина Николовска <p>.</p> Трајче Стамески Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Презентација на студентски преводи од полски, од руски и од чешки јазик <p>.</p> Лидија Танушевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Проект-работилница: Колонијалните и постколонијалните дискурси во Робинзон Крусо од Д. Дефо, во Гуливеровите патувања од Џ. Свифт и во Игра на тронови од Р. Р. Мартин <p><span class="fontstyle0">This article under the title “Project Workshop: Colonial and Postcolonial Discourses in D. Defoe’s </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">Robinson Crusoe</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">, J. Swift’s </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">Gulliver’s Travels </span></em><span class="fontstyle0">and R. R. Martin’s </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">A Game of Thrones</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">” overviews the project workshop which was realized at “Blaze Koneski” Faculty of Philology in Skopje, on 10.11. 2023. Prof. Vitanova-Strezova was the project workshop coordinator and mentor of the students. It was realized by Anastasija Angelovska and Jana Hristovska, second-year students at the Department of English Language and Literature, as well as by Jolevska-Popov, MA. Aleksandra Trajcevska, second-year student at the Department of English Language and Literature, was the moderator. Prof. Dr. Vitanova-Strezova held the event introduction speech. Angelovska presented her paper under the title “Colonial Discourse in D. Defoe’s </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">Robinson Crusoe</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">”. Hristovska gave a speech entitled “Colonial Discourse of the Anti-Colonial Colonizer”. Jolevska-Popov, MA gave a speech under the title “Postcolonial Discourse in </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">A Game of Thrones</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">”. The goal of this project workshop was to help students identify and study colonial discourses, focusing on </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">Robinson Crusoe </span></em><span class="fontstyle0">and </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">Gulliver’s Travels</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">, the novels studied within Prof. Dr. Vitanova-Strezova’s course,18</span><sup><span class="fontstyle0">th </span></sup><span class="fontstyle0">and 19</span><sup><span class="fontstyle0">th </span></sup><span class="fontstyle0">Century English Novel, but also to broaden their knowledge of the topic in the different postcolonial context of </span><em><span class="fontstyle2">A Game of Thrones</span></em><span class="fontstyle0">. The presentations incited interesting discussion among the student and the colleagues.</span></p> Соња Витанова-Стрезова, Тамара Јолевска-Попов, Анастасија Анѓеловска, Јана Христовска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Проект Електронски ресурси за македонскиот јазик: состојба и перспективи (NIP.UKIM.21-22.20) <p>.</p> Руска Ивановска-Наскова Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Активности на одделението за библиотечно работење <p>.</p> Горан Ивковиќ Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Sun, 05 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Заклучни согледувања од учеството во меѓународниот истражувачки проект „Шпанскиот јазик во Европа“ <p>.</p> Сања Михајловиќ-Костадиновска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Mon, 17 Jun 2024 11:32:13 +0200 Изработка на електронски корпус од преводи од студенти во рамките на проектот MUST <p>.</p> Наташа Стојановска-Илиевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 „Модерни славистички студии“ - Проект на Катедрата за славистика <p>.</p> Лидија Танушевска Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Иницијатива за основање македонистичка мрежа на Централноевропската програма за размена за универзитетски студии (CEEPUS) <p>.</p> Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“ во Скопје Северна Македонија Авторски права (c) 2024 Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“ Wed, 08 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200