Студијата има за цел да ги истражи системите за автоматско препознавање говор и нивната улога во подобрување на изговорот на вокали и нивото на препознавање на изговорот. Исто така, оваа студија истражува како учесниците гледаат на овие системи. Имено, 21 изучувачи на англискиот јазик учествуваа во оваа студија. Македонските изучувачи на англискиот јазик го вежбаа нивниот англиски изговор преку изговор на 26 зборови со следните минимални парови: /i/, /ɪ/; /æ/, /ɛ/; /u/, /ʊ/; /ɑ/, /ʌ/. Учесниците беа поделени во експериментална (11) и контролна група (10). Оваа студија користеше квалитативна и квантитативна анализа на податоците. Резултатите покажаа дека експерименталната група покажа подобрување на изговорот додека контролната група не покажа напредок. Беше утврдено дека излезниот напишан текст (autput) од програмата за автоматско препознавање на говор беше во рамките на прифатливо отстапување споредено со напишаниот текст од изучувачите. Исто така, иако изучувачите искажаа повремена фрустрација со погрешни резултати од страна на програмата, во главно, учесниците искажаа задоволство од обуката и изјавија дека оваа обука обезбеди практично и безбедно место за вежбање на нивниот изговор. Овие резултати даваат поддршка за употребата на програмата за автоматско препознавање на говор во наставата на англиски јазик. Истото е возможно со внимателно планирање и дирекција од страна на наставникот. Користењето на оваа програма како алатка за контролирана и структурирана обука со индивидуални зборови е особено применлива за подигање на фонолошката свест и перцепција на англиските вокали.
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Како да цитирате
Гускароска, Агата. 2020. “ОБУКА СО ПРОГРАМАТА ЗА АВТОМАТСКО ПРЕПОЗНАВАЊЕ ГОВОР ЗА ПОДОБРУВАЊЕ НА ИЗГОВОРОТ НА ВОКАЛИТЕ”. Journal of Contemporary Philology 3 (2), 45–61. https://doi.org/10.37834/JCP2020045g.
Copyright © 2014 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Journal of Contemporary Philology (JCP)
Современа филологија
Ahn, T.Y., and Lee, S.M. (2016). User experience of a mobile speaking application with automatic speech recognition for EFL learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(4): 778-786.
Chen, H. H.-J. (2011). Developing and evaluating an oral skills training website supported by automatic speech recognition technology. ReCALL, 23(1): 59–78.
Coniam, D. (1999). Voice recognition software accuracy with second language speakers of English. SYSTEM, 27(1): 49-64.
Cucchiarini, C., Neri, A., and Strik, H. (2009). Oral proficiency training in Dutch L2: The contribution of ASR-based corrective feedback. Speech Communication, 51(10), 853-863.
Cucchiarini, C., Strik, H. and Boves, L. (2000). Different aspects of expert pronunciation quality ratings and their relation to scores produced by speech recognition algorithm. Speech Communication, 30(2–3): 109–119.
Dodd, S., and Mills, J. (1996). Phonetics and phonology. Solving language problems: from general to applied linguistics, 13–33. CORE: University of Exeter Press.
Derwing, T. M., Munro, M. J., and Carbonaro, M. (2000). Does popular speech recognition software work with ESL speech? TESOL Quarterly, (34): 592–603.
Ehsani, F., and Knodt, E. (1998). Speech technology in computer-aided language learning: Strengths and limitations of a new CALL paradigm. Language Learning and Technology, 2(1): 54–73.
Eskenazi, M. (1999). Using a computer in foreign language pronunciation training: What advantages? CALICO Journal, (16): 447–469.
Flege, J. E. (1995). Second-language speech learning: Theory, findings, and problems. In Strange, W. (ed.). Speech perception and linguistic experience. Issues in cross-linguistic research, 233-277. Timonium, MD: York Press.
Flege, J. E., (2007). Language contact in biliangualism: Phonetic system interactions. Labarotory Phonology, (9): 353-382.
Kirkova-Naskova, A. (2012). Interlanguage phonology: comparison between the English and the Macedonian vowel systems. In Annual Symposium of the Faculty of Philology ‘Blaze Koneski (38): 141-152 [original] Киркова-Наскова, А. (2012). Меѓујазична фонологија: споредба на вокалните системи на англискиот и на македонскиот јазик. Во: Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“, кн. 38, 141–152.
Kirkova-Naskova, A. (2010). Native speaker perceptions of accented speech: The English pronunciation of Macedonian EFL learners. Research in Language, (8): 1-21.
Levis, J., and Grant, L. (2003). Integrating pronunciation into ESL/EFL classrooms. TESOL Journal, 12(2): 13-19.
Levis, J., and Suvorov, R. (2013). Automatic speech recognition. In C. Chapelle (ed.). The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, 1–8. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell Publishing.
Liakin, D., Cardoso, W., and Liakina, N. (2014). Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech recognizer: French /y/. CALICO Journal, 32(1): 1-25.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2019). ASR-based dictation practice for second language pronunciation improvement. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 5(1): 98-118.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2016). Pronunciation learner autonomy: The potential of Automatic Speech Recognition. System, (57): 25–42.
Mroz, A. (2018). Seeing how people hear you: French learners experiencing intelligibility through automatic speech recognition. Foreign Language Annals, 51(3), 617-637.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., and Strik, H. (2006). Selecting segmental errors in L2 Dutch for optimal pronunciation training. International Review of Applied Linguistics, (44): 357–404.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., and Strik, H. (2008). The effectiveness of computer-based speech corrective feedback for improving segmental quality in L2 Dutch. ReCALL: the Journal of EUROCALL, 20(2): 225.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., Strik, H.Boves, L. (2002). The pedagogy-technology interface in Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 15(5): 441–467.
Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence: Some roles of comprehensible input and comprehensible output in its development. In S. Gass and C. Madden (eds.). Input in second language acquisition, 235–253. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Victori, M., and Lockhart, W. (1995). Enhancing metacognition in self-directed language learning. System, 23(2): 223-234.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2014). The potential of Automatic Speech Recognition for fostering pronunciation learners’ autonomy. Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 13902.
Thomas, D.R. (2003). A general inductive approach for qualitative data analysis. [Online] Available from: www.health.auckland.ac.nz/hrmas/Inductive2003.pdf . [Accessed: Маy 5th, 2020]
Chen, H. H.-J. (2011). Developing and evaluating an oral skills training website supported by automatic speech recognition technology. ReCALL, 23(1): 59–78.
Coniam, D. (1999). Voice recognition software accuracy with second language speakers of English. SYSTEM, 27(1): 49-64.
Cucchiarini, C., Neri, A., and Strik, H. (2009). Oral proficiency training in Dutch L2: The contribution of ASR-based corrective feedback. Speech Communication, 51(10), 853-863.
Cucchiarini, C., Strik, H. and Boves, L. (2000). Different aspects of expert pronunciation quality ratings and their relation to scores produced by speech recognition algorithm. Speech Communication, 30(2–3): 109–119.
Dodd, S., and Mills, J. (1996). Phonetics and phonology. Solving language problems: from general to applied linguistics, 13–33. CORE: University of Exeter Press.
Derwing, T. M., Munro, M. J., and Carbonaro, M. (2000). Does popular speech recognition software work with ESL speech? TESOL Quarterly, (34): 592–603.
Ehsani, F., and Knodt, E. (1998). Speech technology in computer-aided language learning: Strengths and limitations of a new CALL paradigm. Language Learning and Technology, 2(1): 54–73.
Eskenazi, M. (1999). Using a computer in foreign language pronunciation training: What advantages? CALICO Journal, (16): 447–469.
Flege, J. E. (1995). Second-language speech learning: Theory, findings, and problems. In Strange, W. (ed.). Speech perception and linguistic experience. Issues in cross-linguistic research, 233-277. Timonium, MD: York Press.
Flege, J. E., (2007). Language contact in biliangualism: Phonetic system interactions. Labarotory Phonology, (9): 353-382.
Kirkova-Naskova, A. (2012). Interlanguage phonology: comparison between the English and the Macedonian vowel systems. In Annual Symposium of the Faculty of Philology ‘Blaze Koneski (38): 141-152 [original] Киркова-Наскова, А. (2012). Меѓујазична фонологија: споредба на вокалните системи на англискиот и на македонскиот јазик. Во: Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет „Блаже Конески“, кн. 38, 141–152.
Kirkova-Naskova, A. (2010). Native speaker perceptions of accented speech: The English pronunciation of Macedonian EFL learners. Research in Language, (8): 1-21.
Levis, J., and Grant, L. (2003). Integrating pronunciation into ESL/EFL classrooms. TESOL Journal, 12(2): 13-19.
Levis, J., and Suvorov, R. (2013). Automatic speech recognition. In C. Chapelle (ed.). The encyclopedia of applied linguistics, 1–8. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell Publishing.
Liakin, D., Cardoso, W., and Liakina, N. (2014). Learning L2 pronunciation with a mobile speech recognizer: French /y/. CALICO Journal, 32(1): 1-25.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2019). ASR-based dictation practice for second language pronunciation improvement. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 5(1): 98-118.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2016). Pronunciation learner autonomy: The potential of Automatic Speech Recognition. System, (57): 25–42.
Mroz, A. (2018). Seeing how people hear you: French learners experiencing intelligibility through automatic speech recognition. Foreign Language Annals, 51(3), 617-637.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., and Strik, H. (2006). Selecting segmental errors in L2 Dutch for optimal pronunciation training. International Review of Applied Linguistics, (44): 357–404.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., and Strik, H. (2008). The effectiveness of computer-based speech corrective feedback for improving segmental quality in L2 Dutch. ReCALL: the Journal of EUROCALL, 20(2): 225.
Neri, A., Cucchiarini, C., Strik, H.Boves, L. (2002). The pedagogy-technology interface in Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 15(5): 441–467.
Swain, M. (1985). Communicative competence: Some roles of comprehensible input and comprehensible output in its development. In S. Gass and C. Madden (eds.). Input in second language acquisition, 235–253. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Victori, M., and Lockhart, W. (1995). Enhancing metacognition in self-directed language learning. System, 23(2): 223-234.
McCrocklin, S. M. (2014). The potential of Automatic Speech Recognition for fostering pronunciation learners’ autonomy. Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 13902.
Thomas, D.R. (2003). A general inductive approach for qualitative data analysis. [Online] Available from: www.health.auckland.ac.nz/hrmas/Inductive2003.pdf . [Accessed: Маy 5th, 2020]