The Symbolic Universe of Eftim Kletnikov
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This paper analyses Eftim Kletnikov’s poetry from the perspective of the presence of dominant symbols and symbolic correlates, by affirming some of his poetic works and collections of poems. The polyphony of meanings that is generated by Eftim Kletnikov’s poetic symbols is due to his unique knowledge of different cultural traditions, as he subtly combines various cultural concepts and notions. Kletnikov is in a sort of Romantic quest for the unique, the original, and the ideal, which can be noted in his search for the perfect word that is able to unveil the secret of human existence. For Kletnikov, the poet is a prophet, i.e. leader of humanity, who is obliged to arouse man from the darkness of his ignorance. In that sense, he is a skillful interpreter of hidden meanings, revealing the mysterious connection of each and every thing in the world. His poetry is a poetic testimony of a new type of humanism, where human as an insightful and creative being is placed in the center, thus outlining the directions of human development.
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