Guidelines for the technical editing of texts for the journal Slavic Studies
Scope of the paper: Papers are limited to 10 pages, written in Times New Roman font with appropriate support, font size 12, line spacing 1 (single).
In the upper left corner, there should be a name and surname (last name in capital letters), name of institution, city, country, example:
Faculty of Philology "Blaže Koneski"
Skopje, Macedonia
The title should be in a central position in capital letters, and under the title there should be an Abstract and Keywords (up to 5 words) in font size 10 and bold.
Abstract: The paper will include an analysis of translated texts from Polish into Macedonian, with special emphasis on modulators, i.e. particles, conjunctions, modal words, the problems that arise during their translation, their equivalents in the other language and the "untranslatability" of some of them, and especially the change in meaning they bring to the text.
Keywords: translation, particles, Polish, equivalents, analysis.
Paraphrasing and citation
When quoting, paraphrasing or referring to an author/text, the source should be stated in the text, and not in the footnotes below it. It is preferable not to use footnotes at all. If the work is used as a whole, the author's surname and the year of publication are stated in the text; for example, (Koneski 1999). If it is cited, the page should also be stated; for example, (Minova-Gjurkova 2003: 49).
List of used literature and list of sources:At the end of the work, a list of used literature should be given (under the heading References), and a list of sources (if the work contains excerpted examples). The list of references must have complete data on all works (referenced, paraphrased, cited, etc.). Works in Cyrillic and Latin are given separately, first those in Cyrillic, then those in Latin.
Works are listed in alphabetical order (surname of the author) and in chronological order (if there are more works by one author) and are not numbered. When an author has both independent and co-authored works, the independent works are listed first, and then the co-authored works. Titles of books and journals should be written in italics, titles of works published in journals or collections should be placed in quotation marks. Dictionaries or other types of books that are the work of several authors are given only with the title and the number of volumes used.
The sources used should be listed in a separate heading Sources after the References section in the same way as in the References section.
Example of citing books, articles and collections
Конески, Б. 1981. Граматика на македонскиот литературен јазик. Скопје: Култура
Угринова-Скаловска Р. 1969. Значењата на глаголските префикси во македонскиот јазик, Скопје: Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“, 127 стр.
Langacker, R. 1987. Foundations of cognitive grammar. Vol.1: Theoretical Prerequisites. Stanford.
Article in a magazine or collection
Цветковски, Ж. 1982. „За двојниот сврзник не само - туку и“, Литературен збор XXIX/4, 104-107.
Friedman, V. 1980. “The Study of Balkan Admirativity: Its History and Development”, Balkanistica 6. 7–30.
Толковен речник на македонскиот јазик. Ред. Кирил Конески, I–VI. Скопје: Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“, 2003–2014.
Мургоски, Зозе. 2011. Толковен речник на современиот македонски јазик. Второ проширено и преработено издание. Скопје: Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“.
Summary: At the end of the article or under References, a short summary in English should be provided with the name and surname of the author and the title of the paper.