Mythological-poetic interactions: the character of Prometheus in Macedonian and German poetry
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The paper presents a comparative study of the poems of the Macedonian poet Aco Shopov and the German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, while the subject of analysis is the intertextual connections between Macedonian and German poetry based on the thematization of the mythological model for the hero Prometheus. Here, the focus of the comparative analysis is the poem „Prometheus“ by the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the poem „The Love of Fire“ by Aco Shopov. The juxtaposition of these two mentioned poems through the prism of the intertextual mythological framework opens up the possibility of another perspective in illuminating the poetic analysis of the Prometheus character. The myth of Prometheus in these poetic works illuminated through the prism of the recent framing theory, represents a "frame determinant" for the various discourses with a distinctive function.
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Copyright © 2025 Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Skopje
Slavistički studii
Славистички студии
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